Thursday, 17 May 2012

My Post Doc

Two months ago Dad died. It was the 17th March 2012 at 3pm, Pretoria time almost exactly. He was buried in Lusaka, Zambia on the following Thursday and his memorial was held at the UNZA chapel on the Friday. This is the first thing I have written, apart from unreadable journals and my speech for the memorial since.

I love..loved...him with all my heart and right now the shock of it all is beginning to wear off and the acid grief is giving me constant belly ache. Ho hum...  He was my Dad, my friend...we made each other laugh and I think we made each other proud.  It was a privlilege to be there when he headed off and an honour to see the courage and kindness of my siblings, Rachma, Zoe and Ben, my Mum Ruth, my aunt, Jackie, his dear cousin Irving and Dad's great friends and colleagues in Lusaka; Adam, SJ, Vernon, Guy, Charlotte, Caroline, Grant, Mwitchi, Patricia, Wille,  Luo, Simon, Cynthia, Alan, Shenda, Mwangala, all the Team Hospice Chilanga. the Travelling Rabbi, Michael Galaun, Seb and all the wonderful folk, to many to mention, that helped with his burial and the memorial  Thank you so much.
Next week I move to Wiltshire. Life's funny that way.
Long Life! Take care and if you love someone give them a bloody great hug and tell 'em so.